Учитель английского языка/English Teacher

от 96 000 ₽ до вычета налогов

Вакансия находится в архиве

Britannia School


г. Москва

Требуемый опыт работы

От 1 года до 3 лет

Тип занятости

Полная занятость

График работы

Полный день

English Teacher for academic year 2024-2025

Britannia School - A traditional British Nursery and Primary school in Moscow is seeking to appoint an English Teacher to teach children aged 2-7 years old. The ideal candidate will teach under the guidance of Mrs Roberts, who is the co-founder, head teacher and early years expert of Britannia School.


  • Educational and social development of pupils under the direction and guidance of the Head teacher
  • To teach all lessons in English
  • Implementation of the curriculum
  • Support for individual students inside and outside the classroom to enable them to fully participate in activities
  • Maintaining student records
  • Communicating with parents
  • Prepare and present displays of student's work
  • Support the goals and ethos of the school
  • Follow the behavior policy set in place by the school
  • Set a good example in terms of dress, punctuality and attendance.
  • Attend team and staff meetings
  • Be proactive in matters relating to health and safety.
  • University degree

  • Fluency in English

  • Good communication skills

  • Flexibility

  • Prior experience of working with young children

  • Computer skills

  • Detail oriented


International working environment

Competitive salary

Lesson plans provided

Ten minute walk from Skhodnenskaya metro

Working hours 8:30- 5:00pm Monday to Friday

Professional development

Ключевые навыки

Английский язык
Business english
Computer skills


Москва, улица Фабрициуса, 36

Контактная информация

Britannia School

Вакансия опубликована 02.08.2024 в г. Москва.

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